Showing posts with label quarantine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quarantine. Show all posts

Friday 20 March 2020

Killing time while in quarantine

There are many posts in blogs and social networks these days about what some people do or what suggest to others to do while they are isolated in quarantine. Well, this is my suggestion.
Find a difficult and interesting open problem and try to solve it. Some problem that you may understand its definition but you and the rest of the world have no idea about its resolution. In computer science and logic good candidates are the famous NP vs P problem or the Continuum Hypothesis; of course there are numerous others.
Reading about the problem and working on any idea that you may have about it will not only be an interesting task but will probably make you learn something interesting and it will surely help you in killing time. Who knows, eventually you might actually solve the problem and gain fame and fortune.
In case you follow this advice here is another one on how you should approach it. If you want to solve an open long standing problem you have to think innovative and differently than everybody else. If thinking like everybody else and following the mainstream would be enough to solve the problem then it wouldn’t have been open as someone would have already solved it.